
Story 23 of 100: Nydia and Deisy

Nydia learned about Big Brothers Big Sisters from her brother, who was a long-time volunteer and supporter. She was always interested in getting involved, but was unsure if she’d be able to make the time commitment. Nydia was excited to learn about the Mentor2.0 program because the weekly online correspondence and monthly in-person activities were much more manageable for her work schedule. Deisy, an inquisitive and intelligent freshman at Atlas Prep, was looking for additional guidance from a supportive female role model. Nydia and Deisy were matched October of 2016 in the first Mentor2.0 class through Big Brothers Big Sisters-Pikes Peak.

Since their initial meeting, the two have had a strong connection and have been each other’s support system. Nydia has helped Deisy navigate high school and has been a great resource. She has taught Deisy the importance of giving back, and Deisy has become extremely involved in her school food pantry. Deisy is a motivated young student and works hard to stand out as one of the top sophomores at Atlas Preparatory High School. She was recently awarded a competitive full scholarship to attend the Journey to JD Pre-Law program being hosted by the Center for Legal Inclusiveness at the University of Denver over the summer. Deisy will be living in the dorms on campus, and will participate in seminars and activities that are designed to prepare her for a future career in Law. Deisy’s aspirations of attending college, influenced Nydia’s decision to go back and complete her Master’s Degree. They inspire and motivate one another through their mentor relationship.

The two complete weekly online messages and haven’t missed an in-person meeting in the two years they’ve been matched! As they move into the third year of the program, they’re both eager to complete the Mentor2.0 plus requirements, which will allow them to meet outside of the regularly scheduled Mentor2.0 events at Atlas; they have already started discussing the vast array opportunities that this would provide them. Their match continues to thrive and are looking forward to working together over the next few years as Deisy continues to develop her plan for post-secondary success. We are excited to watch as they grow their relationship and continue to thrive.

In 2018, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Colorado is turning 100 years old and celebrating 100 years of mentoring in Colorado! We will be sharing 100 stories to commemorate our 100 years of history. These stories will highlight the value and importance of mentoring in the lives of current and alumni Littles, Bigs, families, and community partners. Check out our blog each week to view the next story in the series. If you have a story you would like to share, please visit our story collection portal at:https://form.jotform.com/73046559388166.

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