
Story 27 of 100: Kim and Karla’s Story

When I heard about Mentor 2.0, I was hesitant. I knew I wanted to make a difference in someone’s life, but, the thought of being matched with a high schooler was intimidating! Reflecting back on my high school experience, kids weren’t so nice to their peers- let alone adults! I decided to put my fears behind me and pursued being a mentor because I knew someone might need support, like I needed support in high school, and I am so thankful that I did.

My first meeting, with my mentee Karla, was in October 2017. We were both nervous and had quite the challenge trying to figure each other out. After the first meeting, I was questioning whether or not this program was right for me. With the support of my Mentor 2.0 coordinator, Alex, and the consistency of chatting with Karla Giselle online, I was reassured that our relationship would not continue to be awkward. On the contrary, our relationship has grown to unbelievable lengths over the last 7 months. We both look forward to seeing each other every month, and we hate when we have to leave at the end of the night!

Karla and I share so much with each other and although there is a large gap in age, we can both relate to each other, count on each other’s support, and share intimate details of our lives together. Not only have I recommended Mentor 2.0 to numerous people, but, I will continue to recommend this program because of the excellent coordinators and the huge difference you can make in someone’s life!

– Mentor2.0 Mentor, Kim Verrill

In 2018, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Colorado is turning 100 years old and celebrating 100 years of mentoring in Colorado!We will be sharing 100 stories to commemorate our 100 years of history. These stories will highlight the value and importance of mentoring in the lives of current and alumni Littles, Bigs, families, and community partners. Check out our blog each week to view the next story in the series. If you have a story you would like to share, please visit our story collection portal at: https://form.jotform.com/73046559388166.

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