
Staff Spotlight: Marissa Lease

Hello, my name is Marissa Lease and I am the Program Manager at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Colorado and have been here 4 years!

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? I really want to learn how to play the harmonica! Or learn how to weave.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? Japan + The Faroe Islands are at the top of my list right now! I also really want to go back to Mexico City! 

What would you do (for a career) if you weren’t doing this? Honestly, probably be a travel agent (if that’s still a thing??). I love planning adventures, researching new restaurants, and I love planning vacations for all my friends + family. 

What’s your personal mantra or motto? When I was 13, my summer camp director told a group of us, “You are either weird or pretending not to be.” I was told that at such a pivotal time when we were all trying to be ‘cool’ and fit in, and I still hold that motto close to my heart because it was a reminder to always be myself.


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