Little Brother Caliph and Big Brother Eric recently celebrated their fourth year as a match in our Community Mentoring program. Their strong friendship is rooted in their willingness to explore each other’s diverse interests. Caliph is very interested in sports and Eric is passionate about science and nature. Over the years they’ve steadily introduced each other to these important aspects of their lives. Caliph helps Eric at work events in the science education field and Eric attends Caliph’s sporting events to support and cheer him on. It wasn’t until last year that they discovered their mutual interest in hiking and being in nature. They’re pictured here during a hike at Maxwell Falls.
This match is incredible at taking advantage of Team Big! events and our community partnerships. Most recently, they had the opportunity to take in Harry Potter with the Colorado Symphony. Throughout their time together, Eric and Caliph have grown individually and together and they have developed trust and mutual appreciation of each other’s strengths and interests. Congrats Eric and Caliph on four years of being matched and here’s to the next four years!