
Are You Ready? Here’s How to Become a Youth Mentor

youth mentor

Becoming a youth mentor is a rewarding way to positively impact young people’s lives. As a mentor, you can guide and support them as they navigate life’s challenges, helping them unlock their full potential. 

Whether through one-on-one relationships or organized programs, your role as a mentor can make a lasting difference. But how do you get started? 

This guide will explain the steps to becoming a mentor, the importance of mentoring programs, and their benefits.

youth mentorWhy Become a Mentor for Youth?

Many young people today face challenges like academic pressure, social issues, and limited access to guidance. That’s where you come in. 

By becoming a mentor, younger people can rely on you to offer advice, encouragement, and the perspective they may need to overcome obstacles. Mentoring them can give you a sense of purpose, and it helps you develop new skills like communication, patience, and leadership. 

In addition, youth who participate in mentoring programs are more likely to excel in school, build positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.

The Role of Mentors for Youth

As a mentor, your role is to be a positive influence and a stable, consistent figure in the young person’s life. You’ll work within a mentoring program, offering support and advice to your mentee, or “Little,” as they grow. 

It’s important to remember that mentoring is not about fixing a young person’s life. Instead, it is about guiding them, listening to their concerns, and providing them with tools to navigate life’s challenges.

Most mentor programs follow structured guidelines to help you connect strongly with your mentee. The goal is establishing trust, setting achievable goals, and celebrating successes together.

How to Mentor the Youth: Steps to Get Started

Now, let’s discuss how to get involved. Here are the steps you can follow to become a mentor the younger generation needs:

1. Choose a Mentoring Program

First, you’ll need to find the right mentoring program. There are many different programs, each with a specific focus. Some programs pair adults with children based on shared interests and goals. 

In contrast, others focus on helping at-risk youth or students needing academic support. When selecting a mentor program for youth, look for one that aligns with your values, schedule, and the amount of time you can commit.

2. Apply to Be a Mentor

Most mentoring programs require you to fill out an application, participate in an interview, and provide references. This process ensures the children’s safety and well-being and allows the program to select the right fit for each mentor-mentee pair.

3. Complete Mentor Training

Before you start mentoring, you’ll likely undergo training sessions to prepare you for the role. This training typically covers communication strategies, building rapport, and understanding youth challenges. 

Youth mentoring is more effective when mentors have the right tools and knowledge to guide their mentees.

4. Meet Your Mentee

After training, you will be matched with a young person based on shared interests, goals, and other factors. During your first few meetings, you’ll focus on building trust and getting to know each other. 

Over time, your relationship will grow, and you’ll develop a lasting connection for years.

Qualities of an Effective Youth Mentor

Not everyone is naturally suited to become a mentor, but many people can develop the necessary qualities with practice and dedication. Some key traits of an effective mentor include:


Working with younger people can be challenging. They may be going through a tough time or struggling to express themselves. Patience is key in allowing them to open up at their own pace.

Active Listening

Listening to your mentee’s concerns and understanding their perspective is essential in building a solid relationship.


Show up when you say you will. Reliability fosters trust and long-term success.


Effective mentors for youth see the world through their eyes. Understanding their struggles can help you provide the proper guidance and support.

How We Can Help You Get Started

Since then, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Colorado has been committed to making meaningful connections between adults and youth. Our mentor programs aim to create lasting relationships that inspire growth and development. 

We provide resources, guidance, and training to help you succeed as a youth mentor. Contact us to join a community of individuals committed to assisting young people to reach their goals and full potential.

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