Career Possibilities Program

Career Possibilities Program
Career Possibilities exists to provide career exploration opportunities to students, allowing them to dream big, beyond what they may have thought possible.
BOA Technology, Inc. and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Colorado (BBBSC) partnered to launch the Career Possibilities Program over the summer of 2021 to inspire and create career pathways for youth in Colorado. This program introduces youth to a variety of career paths and interests though hands-on experience. At BOA, eight Littles have participated in an eight-week pain internship program that include in-depth learning from a range of departments are BOA's global headquarters. To support their continued education, BOA awards each Little a $2,500 scholarship.
BBBSC also partnered with Alteryx and Alteryx SparkED for a Career Possibilities Day at their Broomfield Office. Littles toured their office, participated in career exploration workshops, and learned post-high school experiences from Alteryx Interns. The day ended with each Little receiving a $5,000 SparkED Scholarship Certificate to support them in pursuing post-secondary education.
See the Outside Business Journal article highlighting the Career Possibilities program HERE.
Exploring possible career paths can be the start of a promising future for Littles. Below are a few ways you and your company can get involved:
Host a Career Possibilities Day
Expose youth to career opportunities at your company or in your industry by hosting a career day. In coordination with our team, we will arrange a career exploration day that is educational, hands-on, and engages your employees. This can include: site tours, career exploration workshops, hands-on projects, and more!
Provide Paid Internships For Littles
Create an employee pipeline while giving Littles in-depth, hands-on experience through a paid internship. Interns are available during the summer months and post-high school graduation.
So often finances are a barrier to our mentees pursuing the career path of their dreams. We want our Littles to set goals and dram big. To support this effort, we ask that companies participating in Career Possibilities consider providing scholarship for the Littles that participated which supports their continued education.
If your company is interested in making an impact and getting involved with the Career Possibilities Program, contact Lakeasha Smith at or 720-277-2382.
With a shared goal of making an even larger impact within our Colorado community, BOA and BBBSC are working to evolve the Career Possibilities Program, inspiring and introducing more youth to career possibilities in STEM and the Outdoor Industry.