Apply to Get a Big

Arm your child with another caring adult and continue to help set them on the path to success.

Apply to Get a Big

Arm your child with another caring adult and continue to help set them on the path to success.

Thank you so much for being a referral partner.  Please direct your referral to fill out the application to enroll their youth in our programs, and we will contact them shortly.
We encourage you as a referral partner to assist the parent/guardian in filling out the application if you can. 

Is my child eligible?

Below are the eligibility requirements for a child to participate as a Little in BBBSC’s Community-based or Sports Buddies programs. 

Youth must be between the ages of 9-17 years old at the time of enrollment.
Youth can stay in the program through high school and beyond if all match parties are still engaging and participating in their match relationship.

Youth and family are interested in participating in the program.
Not only is your child’s participation and interest key in a successful match, so is the family's commitment to the program.

Youth who are in the right place to start the program.
We know families have a lot going on, and we also know our most successful matches are with those families who are in a relatively stable environment. If a child has recently suffered a loss or trauma, or the family is currently dealing with a crisis, we may need to refer a family to other services before introducing a mentor into their lives. Feel free to discuss a family's situation with us before referring them to the program to determine if it is a good time.

Have questions? Please e-mail or call 303-433-6002