"Growing up and growing a stronger relationship between me and Kerry made me feel
more included. I don’t think he knows this or not, but he truly is a hero to me." - Little Abel

"Growing up and growing a stronger relationship between me and Kerry made me feel
more included. I don’t think he knows this or not, but he truly is a hero to me." Little – Abel
BBBSC is looking to reconnect with our alumni and share their stories so everyone can more deeply understand the long-term impact that mentoring has on the Little, Big, the families and the larger community. Mentoring is a shared opportunity for learning and growth. Many Bigs say that the rewards they gain are just as substantial as the ones gained by their Littles.
Part of reconnecting with our Alumni Littles & Bigs to share those stories and what they have gone on to in their lives. That is the true impact of mentorship and often not fully realized for many years later.
Stay connected with BBBSC long-term and support the power of one-to-one mentoring by joining the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Colorado Alumni. Other benefits include:
Unique volunteer opportunities
Networking events
Alumni Directory
Register your contact information here.
BBBSC is looking to reconnect with our alumni and share their stories so everyone can more deeply understand the long-term impact that mentoring has on the little, big, the families and the larger community. Mentoring is a shared opportunity for learning and growth. Many Bigs say that the rewards they gain are just as substantial as the ones gained by their Littles.
Part of reconnecting with our Alumni Littles & Bigs to share those stories and what they have gone on to in their lives. That is the true impact of mentorship and often not fully realized for many years later.
Stay connected with BBBSC long-term and support the power of one-to-one mentoring by joining the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Colorado Alumni. Other benefits include:
Unique volunteer opportunities
Networking events
Alumni Directory
Register your contact information here.
Javon & Mike – Matched in 2008
"He's meant the world to me and has made such an impact on my life." - Alumni Little Javon

Jonathan & Q – Matched in 2012
"I hated math but Q would always tell me to keep going...That's how I learned to not quit. I got good grades and now I'm pursuing business." -Alumni Little Jonathan

Robert and Brady – Matched in 1993
"Brady always said, in some fashion, that he believed in me, and my ability to be better than I was, and that he would be there to help me get there." - Alumni Little Robert

Beatrice and Bonnie – Matched in 2004
"I feel so proud of Beatrice and we have remained the best of friends to this day! We love sharing our story!" - Alumni Big Bonnie

Juan and Jason – Matched in 2004
"My experience as a Big Brother has changed my life in so many ways and it continues on with the bond Juan and I have to this day." - Alumni Big Jason

Darby and Brett – Matched in 2002
"My initial thought was I wanted to give back and really have an impact on a kid. What I did not realize is the impact that Darby would have on me."