Volunteers for Youth

At Big Brothers Big Sisters of Colorado, we believe every child deserves a caring adult. By becoming volunteers for youth, you can provide young people with the support, guidance, and friendship they need to succeed.

Why Volunteer as a Mentor?

Becoming a mentor is a challenging yet rewarding experience that has a lasting impact on you and the young person you mentor. Here are some of the benefits:

Build a Lasting Bond

Develop a meaningful connection with a young person and build new memories that will last you and your mentee a lifetime.

Make a Positive Difference

By becoming a volunteer for troubled youth, you can help young people overcome challenges like academic, social, or family issues. By providing consistent support and guidance, you can help them build confidence and reach their full potential. As such, you can make an enormous change in the lives of these young ones. 

Gain Valuable Life Lessons

You expand your perspective, develop empathy, and enhance your personal growth. Be a role model and inspire young people to strive for their goals and make a difference in the world.

Give Back to Your Community

Ultimately, through your volunteer services for youth, you contribute to the well-being of your local community and immensely impact the lives of these young people.

What to Expect

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Colorado is here to support you throughout your mentoring journey.

So, if you have any questions about becoming a Big or our different programs, please don't hesitate to contact our staff. We're happy to provide you with more information and guidance.

Also, please note that our volunteer projects for youth may vary by location. For example, Denver offers Community-Based Mentoring and Sports Buddies, while Colorado Springs has Pike Peak's Programs for Ages 9-12 and Big Futures for Ages 13+.

We look forward to hearing from you and helping you positively impact a young person's life.

Become a Big: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you interested in making a difference in a young person's life? Becoming a Big Brother or Big Sister is a rewarding experience that will have a lasting impact on you and your mentee.

Here's a breakdown of the steps involved in the application process:

Step 1: Complete the Application and Training

Online Application

First, you must fill out our easy-to-use online application form, providing information about yourself, volunteer for youth work you joined, and your interests.

Online Training

After that, complete our convenient online training modules at your own pace. These modules offer the knowledge and skills you need to be a successful mentor.

Step 2: Background Check and Reference Verification

Background Check

Once done, we'll conduct a simple background check to ensure your safety and the young person you'll mentor.

Reference Verification

We'll also contact your references for more information about your character and suitability as a volunteer for youth.

Step 3: Interview

Meet Our Team

After that, we'll schedule an interview to learn more about you and your motivations for becoming a Big. We'll also discuss your preferences and interests to ensure we match you with a mentee who will most benefit from your unique qualities. This is also an opportunity to ask any questions about our programs.

Volunteer Today and Help Mold the Future Generation

Ready to make a difference? Join Big Brothers Big Sisters of Colorado today. Our team will happily help you through the application process, answer your questions, and help you become a mentor. 

Remember—every child deserves a caring adult in their life. By becoming one of the volunteers for youth, you can provide the support, guidance, and friendship that a young person needs to succeed.

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